Algorithm part I Hash Table

Hash Table

There are four part we need to talk about the Hash-Table: Hash Function, Separate Chaining, Linear Probing and Context

Hash tables, a data structure that achieves constant-time performance for core symbol table operations, provided that search keys are standard data types or simply defined. Then we consider several fundamental (and useful) examples of symbol-table clients.

Basic Plan For Hash-Table

Save items in a key-indexed table (index is a function of the key).

Hash function. Method for computing array index from key.

Hash("it") = 3

The issues for this part:

  • We need to computing the hash function.
  • Equality test: Method for checking whether tow keys are equal.
  • Collision resolution: Algorithm and data structure to handle tow keys that hash to the same array index.

Classic space-time tradeoff.

  • No space limitation: Travial hash function with key as index.
  • No time limitation: Travial collision resolution with sequential search.
  • Space and time limitations: Hashing(The real world.)

Hash function

  • Efficiently computable
Terry Tang
Terry Tang
Software Development Engineer

My research interests include distributed robotics, mobile computing and programmable matter.

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