
Cloud computing Basic concepts 2

Exam_2 Review Questions. Approximately 60% of the exam will be derived from these questions. True or False: Users should store dynamic web content in S3. What advantage is there in


Flex介绍 Flex和Bison都是用来生成程序的工具。编译

Cloud computing Basic concepts

Exam 1 Review Questions. Exam 1 will be derived from these questions.


Acronyms Expand each of the following acronyms of the following in the context of this class:

  1. AWS: Amazon Web Services
  2. AZ: Availablity Zone
  3. EC2: Elastic Compute Cloud
  4. S3: Sample Storage Service
  5. EBS: Elastic Block Store
  6. RDS: Relation Database Service
  7. NoSQL: No-relation SQL
  8. ELB: Elastic Load Balancing
  9. PAAS: Platform as a service
  10. HAAS: Hardware as a service
  11. IAAS: Infrastructure as a service
  12. SAAS: Software as a service
  13. CIDR: Classless inter-domain routing
  14. REST: Representational State Transfer
  15. SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol
  16. VPC: Virtual Private Cloud
  17. CTO: Chief Technology Officer
  18. CIO: Chief Information Officer
  19. AMI: Amazon Machine Image
  20. IAM: Identity and Access Management
  21. MFA: Multi-factor Authentication
  22. IOPS: I/O Operations per second
  23. ACL: Access Control List
  24. CLI: Command Line Interface
  25. SDK: Software Development Kit
  26. API: Application Interface
  27. JSON: JavaScript Object Notation

C++ Static关键字的用法说明

C++中Static关键字的应用 由于C++是一种源自于C的语

Algorithm Introduce1-Basic Data Structure

Algorithm Introduce

What is a good Algorithm? (Cite from: Brian C. Dean )

  • Always terminates and produces correct output.
  • Make efficient use of computational resources. Minimizes running time, memory usage, processors, bandwidth, power consumed, heat produced.
  • Is simple to describe, understand, analyze, implement, and debug

Book. Effective C++ item1-View C++ as a federatime of languages

View C++ as a federation of Languages

In the begining, C++ was just C with some object-oriented features tacked on. c++ = C with classes. 但是到了后来,C++就包含了很多复杂的事物,我们在使用C++的时候可以将其看成四种不同的使用方式。

Book. Effective C++ item2-尽量使用const, enum, inline替换#define

Introduce ##常规变量 c++里面的#define后面的定义部分,是不

C++ 变量的初始化问题

介绍 在C++语言中int a;表示声明了整型a但未初始化,而C


Introduce 声明 声明一个变量只是将变量名标识符的有关信息告诉编译器,使

How Internet News Censorship in China Silences the People’s Song

How Internet News Censorship in China Silences the People’s Song

This is a thesis when I studied in the ELS.


Last month, my friend Carrier went back to China from the United States after she had been living the United States for more than three years. She complained to me about the Internet in her house but not because of the speed of the Internet. She found that the Google Mail and Facebook were inaccessible when she wanted to access to Google Mail to receive some email from her boss and to contact friends through Facebook. As a computer engineer in China, I have never been puzzled by this since I can use a lot of ways to access to Google or Facebook. Is it challenging to access to Google and Facebook in China? Curiosity pushed me to investigate further. When I asked my parents and some high school classmates about whether they knew how to avert the government blocking access to Google, most of them said that they didn’t know how to access to Google in China even though they knew the Google search engine is most famous in the world. After doing some research, I found that blocking Google is only one of many blocking events involving Internet news censorship in China.




sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

apt-get是某些linux发行版使用的一个“包管理器”(还有别的发行版使用yum等,以及brew等其他平台上的包管理器,工作原理类似)。包管理器的作用是从源(Source)服务器那里下载最新的软件包列表,然后在你需要安装某个软件包(apt-get install)的时候从列表里面查询这个软件包的版本信息、系统要求、翻译、依赖项(该软件正常运行必须安装的其它软件)并且添加到同时安装的列表里面,再查询所有安装列表里面的软件包的.deb文件下载地址,最后批量下载,自动分析安装顺序然后安装完成。




C++之Rule of Five

Rule of five Because the presence of a user-defined destructor, copy-constructor, or copy-assignment operator prevents implicit definition of the move constructor and the move assignment operator, any class for which

C++之Rule of Zero

Classes that have custom destructors, copy/move constructors or copy/move assignment operators should deal exclusively with ownership (which follows from the Single Responsibility Principle). Other classes should not have custom destructors,


Quiz 1 Date: 09/06/2018 Some questions about the paper What is grammarware? Grammarware comprises grammars and grammar-dependent software. What is Chomskys controversial definition of the “univ

Courses Cloud Computing Introduce 1




What is the Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g. networks, servers, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.


Shadowsocks使用教程 浏览器插件 依然记得自己使用「红

Leetcode Solutions(Updating)

I have solved SOLVEDNUMBER / 1020 problems. I use this page to record the questions which I did on the Leetcode.


Please access my Leetcode Gitbook to git all posts about leetcode.

This table include: Question Number, Questions Name, Question Difficulty, Question Type, And when I did it.

Hexo+Github+Travis CI完成博客的自动部署


How to config git on Ubuntu

Git command

Branch operation

  1. Background: We often want the copy the master branch(or other branch) to develop a new function.
$git checkout master  //Change to the master branch or which branch you want to copy
$git pull                   //从远端拉取最新版本
$git checkout -b NewBranch  //Switched to a new branch 'NewBranch'
$git push origin NewBranch  //新建分支NewBranch到远端